In this 1 day “intensive,” JD acts as facilitator and ringmaster for a workshop involving as many participants as you want (normally the business owners and senior management).
The day is broken up into 3 sections:
- JD’s Wow Healthcheck
- JD’s Wow Heart-Starter Prescription
- The “Lock It In JD” final hour
The objective is to craft both short-term and longer-term marketing strategies, so that you can enjoy both “quick-wins” over the first 90 days and a more holistic 12 month marketing pla
JD’s aim is for you to walk away from the day with a 90 day “adrenaline-charged” customer attraction plan, plus the “essentials” of a longer-term, 12 month marketing road map.
“We’ve Walked Away With Clarity & An Incredible Marketing Roadmap – All Done In A Day!”
team could be involved in creating the new, energised marketing game-plan for the company.
Rather, JD will keep the discussions “disciplined and focused,” so that you end up with a “client attraction plan” based on logic and commonsense.
JD comes armed with “proven marketing systems,” so rather than waste time on “blue-sky discussion-fests,” he encour ages you to let him propose the solutions to your sales challenges and then invite your team’s thoughts on these.
9 am till noon: The Wow Health Check
JD’s “Health Check” on your sales and marketing tactics, both online and offine. Be ready for some friendly interrogation on things like:
- Marketing Budget?
- Target Audience?
- Research?
- Brand Persona?
- Previous marketing campaigns and results? (Would be great for you to have plenty of samples of marketing collateral etc.)
- Competitors?
- Uniqueness of products or services?
- SWOT analysis
- Current marketing tactics?
- Pricing compared to competitors?
- Who in your business is responsible for sales and marketing?
- Website analysis (does it sell or inform?)
- Is there a marketing plan in place at the moment?

2 pm to 4 pm: The Wow Heart-Starter Prescription
After gaining sufficient insight into your business’s structure and offerings, JD moves into “the idea-ation” stage of the day, providing you with marketing ideas for discussion.
This period of the day is devoted to JD proposing his recommendations for attracting new clients and extra sales over the next 90 days & beyond.
So it’s like going to the doctor’s surgery and getting an instant diagnosis and prescription.
Imagine having no marketing direction or client attraction ideas one day and then within 24 hours, having a clear, concise 90 Day Marketing Plan and 12 Month Draft Client Attraction Roadmap!
JD is unique in the world in that he can provide such an instant analysis and solutions package to any company’s revenue challenges.
Ask yourself if you know of any other marketing resource that can provide such extraordinary value in just 8 hours? An advertising agency would take a month to consider a branding tagline, let alone a buffet of client attraction marketing options!
Keep in mind that the “longer-term” marketing plan which is crafted on the day, will need to be somewhat flexible, so that the learnings from the “quick-start” 90 Day Plan can be exploited long-term.
4 pm to 5 pm: The “Lock It In JD” Hour!
You’ve heard contestants on Eddy McGuire’s Millionaire TV program say “Lock It In Eddie” when they’ve decided upon their response.
Well, this is “the business-end” of the day where you commit to “action” and exclaim “Lock It In JD!”
After an invigorating day of workshopping how JD’s “Wheel of Wow” marketing formula can dramatically stimulate revenue for your business, now’s the time to ensure that your valuable marketing roadmap doesn’t get put under the bed with the “ab swing!”
In other words, NOW IS THE TIME TO COMMIT TO ACTION AND ENSURE THAT “the rubber hits the road!”
In his final hour, JD helps you to:
Itemise the “To-Do’s” for the initial 90 Day Wow Heart-Starter Program.
Establish the objectives and responsibilities for the next 90 days (ie: Who does “what” and by what dates?)
Commit to a realistic timeframe of achieving objectives.
Take fast action and start attracting an avalanche of new, profitable clients!
So the expected “outcomes” from “The Wow Heart-Starter Day” with JD are:
- A “quick-start” 90 Day Marketing Plan based on JD’s Client Attraction Formula.
- A clear definition of your company’s “brand personality” and therefore clarity in “the tone” of your communications.
- A draft 12 Month Marketing Roadmap – one with “wow!”
The Heart-Starter Program can be done via zoom over 2 “half-day” sessions.
This means you can access JDs wisdom from the comfort of your office, with your team members.

They’ll never stand out.
Go the extra mile and deliver the unexpected and watch what happens.
When was the last time you opened a hotel room door & waiting for you on the coffee table was a plate of strawberries with a chocolate fondue?
Or when was the last time you picked up your motor vehicle from a car mechanic’s service & found a box of chocolates on the passenger seat – AND THE CAR HAD BEEN WASHED!
Or when did a café EVER offer you a complimentary second cup of coffee whilst you were busy answering emails on your smartphone?
Delivering the unexpected IS “UNEXPECTED!”