by John "JD" Dwyer | Feb 25, 2016 | promotions, Sales Technique, social media for business, Uncategorized, wow factor
It’s about 10 years ago, the pleasant in gaining free “publicity” are still as relevant today. If you sold a home or two, you’ll know that when a real estate agent lists ones property, it’s highly likely that the home will get the same attention from real estate agent...
by John "JD" Dwyer | Feb 25, 2016 | promotions, Sales Technique, social media for business, Uncategorized, wow factor
Those who had been following my blogs and business advice will know that I’m a great fan of “theming” ones product or services when appropriate. Having been influenced by the likes of Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, I guess it’s no surprise that I am a...
by John "JD" Dwyer | Feb 25, 2016 | promotions, Sales Technique, social media for business, Uncategorized, wow factor
A few years ago, the owner of Munupi Wilderness Lodge, joined my Masterclass coaching program, wanting to improve his marketing and attract more $1,000 a day clients. Munipi Wilderness Lodge was situated on Melville Island, a 20 minute light plane trip from Darwin at...
by John "JD" Dwyer | Feb 25, 2016 | promotions, Sales Technique, social media for business, Uncategorized, wow factor
When was the last time you were at a restaurant or café, and the waiter or waitress surprised you at the end of your meal with a “Complimentary Cappuccino?” (or whatever your choice of coffee was). When was the last time your Lawn Mower Guy decided to clean the...
by John "JD" Dwyer | Feb 25, 2016 | promotions, Sales Technique, social media for business, Uncategorized, wow factor
I’ve been constantly stressing the value of collecting a database in my seminars and blogs. I’ve got to tell you about an example of a seemingly professionally run business not recognizing the value of collecting a database. This story relates to a personal experience...